A college student is waking up from a long night. The room is littered with clothes, the bed is messy and the sheets were not placed on the bed. He turned on his computer to study with his cat watching. I used a black and white value to create the mood of this photo and also form and balance.
The college student walks out on the front porch, checking his phone. The porch is lined with projects once started then forgotten like the flower pots on the edge and a headboard in need of repairs.
He counts change in his hand. The life of a college student is rough and having money to do anything is tough to come by. I used a black and white filter to enhance the mood.
After counting change, he heads off to grab lunch and make a few stops. I used a composition balance in this picture and black and white filter to keep the theme and mood of the story.
He makes a stop at the local Barnes and Noble story in search of a few study aids to help with his upcoming exams.
He drives by his college on the way to the Greenway, a local college student hangout near the water.
SupDogs is a local favorite amongst the college students. Usually on Friday nights, the parking lot is full and friends get together to eat and chat. This is our student's local favorite place to eat and relax. 
These locks on the gate began over seas. It made it's way to America and many college couples come here to carve or write their names on the locks, then clip them onto the gate at the Greenway.
Here, our student is leaning against the gates of the Greenway, looking out at the river which is actually flooding a smaller bridge due to recent storms and flooding. I used contrast, Line and balance to create this picture. 
It is back at the house to get ready for work after a nice day out. The room remains a mess until his next day off. 
Student Life

Student Life
